113 Head of Siauliai district August 6, 1941 No. 429 To all heads of parish and burmisters of secondary towns of the Siauliai district In relation to questions raised from localities how to behave with unattended property left by run away communist characters and citizens of jewish nationality, these temporary instructions are given: 1. Communist character’s and else jewish nationality citizen’s property left unattended both movable and immovable is taken over by local municipalities to their own account for protection until government will settle how to behave with such property. 2. By taking over unattended property to their own account - for protection local municipalities draws up and evaluates it, by making separate lists for movable and immovable property. Lists are drawn up in three copies, of which two are sent to Head of the district, whereas third is kept in local municipality. It is performed by commissions made of 3 men appointed by head of parish or burmister: 1 personal representative, 1 local foreman or town house manager, 1 representative of police. 3. For custody and maintenance of immovable property head of parish or town burmister, in case of necessity, may appoint temporary property supervisor, from local reliable residents, in exchange of remuneration. Remuneration for custody and maintenance of property is made from local municipalities means in account for property in custody. 4. Movable property, which may deteriorate if held for long time, are sold in auction, by making separate lists and evaluating as indicated in paragraph 3 of these instructions. Auctions are announced, auction commission members consisting 3 persons appointed and auction acts are confirmed by heads of parish or town burmisters. Means received from auction are held in custody of municipality account. There will be separate notice regarding their use. 5. According to paragraphs 3 and 4 of these instructions property held in custody and care shall be inspected, for it shall not be damaged, shall not deteriorate itself in case of lack of storage facilities or bad loading and shall be in due maintenance. Inspection is made no less than once a week by municipality officer appointed by head of parish or town burmister. Inspection data is marked in the custodial property lists and reported to heads of parish or town burmisters who give instructions for elimination of deficiencies. 6. Citizens of jewish nationality who are resettled to other permanent living localities may take movable property on their own discretion. But immovable property is held property left unattended and in this case actions are taken as indicated in paragraphs 1-5 of these instructions, whereas movable property left is taken over by local municipalities. 7. Gardens and farms left unattended are taken over into municipality’s custody, which may manage it them selves or transfer to other persons on agreed remuneration in their own discretion Head of town and district [signature J Noreika] Secretary [signature] ![]() |