

redaguoti stulpelį

Gochin Annexes



<...>--- ii------

Approximately a week or week and a half after beginning of war, I started to question how were things going in Kaunas, because I didn’t know anything being in radio station.

Activist Front headquarters, previously in Aukstaiciu str, have moved to Donelaicio str 24 and issued newspaper “I Laisve” <to freedom>. When I came there I found quite a few people I knew: Zukauskas, Stasiukaitis, Gailiunas etc. Immediately Zukauskas invited me to work here as well. I didn’t consent an once, but by mixing in that whirl, I haven’t felt how I started working there. What I was working and in which department I wasn’t clear, because in the beginning there was no statute or work rules, what was very clearly recognised by people from province.

Later statute question was considered. Here words of lieutenant Dambrauskas had significance, whom being in Germany, said to be working on statute preparation together with Skirpa. In the end, I think 4 departments were created:


1) organisational 2) administrational 3) military forces 4) press and propaganda. I do not remember further division of departments. In the beginning Zukauskas was the head of organisational department, Dambrauskas - administrational, colonel Maciokas - military forces department and press and propaganda - Stasiukaitis. I started working in organisational department, later was moved to military forces department, but haven’t been working here a single day.

There were pretty lot of people working in Activist Front headquarters. Some of them I remember, that is: attorney Tumas, who was sort of a headquarter’s head, especially when some issues had to be solved with germans, where he is now I don’t know. Last time I saw him probably in spring summer of 1943 in Kaunas street, but I didn’t talk.

Press and propaganda department, apart from Stasiukaitis student Kacanauskas and Gailiunas were working. where is Kacanauskas now I don’t know. Last time I saw him in 1943, probably in street, didn’t talk; where he lived previously I don’t know.

I don’t remember which department Pikcilingis was working at. I don’t know his name or residence; back then he was student at construction and technology faculty. Last time I saw him, i think in first half of 1943 at university, but didn’t talk. Where he is now I don’t know. Lieutenant Dambrauskas, who apart from duties of head of administrational department was going to germans as translator, has moved to Germany in 1942 or 1943 as intermediary between departed labourers and german administration.


Last time I saw him in spring of 1944 in Kaunas, in uniform of german officer, lieutenant rank.

<...> -18- <...>

Probably in the middle of July 1941 I left Lithuanian Activist Front and moved to homeland and lived here quite a long time not involving anywhere. When study semester began I returned to Kaunas, reentered from Veterinary Academy to Medical faculty and was occupied with studying only. Lithuanian Activist Front and later Lithuanian Nationalist party which split from it were foreclosed by germans. Any lithuanian activism was forbidden.


Annex 7 (Original)

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Šis puslapis paskutinį kartą keistas December 21, 2020, at 12:36 PM